How Often Should Your Dog Be Groomed?

Untitled-3 copyA Great Haircut is Not the Only Thing to Consider

There are many reasons your dog should be groomed on a regular basis. Ideally you should be getting your pet groomed every 4-6 weeks. No matter the breed or coat, there are many different factors that determine how often you should groom your pet. It does not solely depend on how long their coats are. Nails trimmed, ear hair, anal gland expression, teeth brushing and early detection of parasites & skin issues are the important reasons why it is important to get any breed of dog groomed regularly.

Eyes and Ears
Eyes and ears of a pet are just as important as the coat and skin. If your pet’s eyes are congested with overgrown hair or debris, it will cause them to tear up and create more debris. Even causing those ugly tear stains and can lead to painful ear infections. Also important is the removal of ear wax and yeast buildup in dogs that do not have hair in their ear canals.

When a dog’s nails are too long it can cause their pads to shift over making it uncomfortable to stand. A dog’s skeletal structure may be compromised as well as the organs and nervous system. Their dewclaws may grow into the skin as well, causing pain and infection. Left too long, the quick (blood vein in the nail) will grow to a point that the nails cannot be clipped back far enough to be healthy for your pet.

Dental Care
Doggy Dental is extremely important as well maintaining your canine’s teeth and gums is crucial for their health. Groomers can offer teeth brushing which, if done on a regular basis, can make a big difference in keeping a pet’s breath smelling fresh and preventing tooth decay.

Parasite & Insect Control
Other issues to consider are insects, dirt and germs. Do you have a fear of finding a flea or tick on your pet? Even worse if your pup has an infestation. Having a family dog, that interacts with kids and company, is important that they are insect, parasite and germ-free. Taking your pets into your Groomer can ensure that they are flea and tick free and their overall health is in tip-top shape.

Skin issues
Early detection of very serious conditions can be life-saving under certain circumstances. Groomers that do hand blow-drying see every inch of the dog’s skin during the grooming process. Skin imperfections are key to what is going on with the dog internally. For example, early detection of Cancerous Sarcomas can be the difference between life and death in some cases. Allergies, rashes & skin mite detection are also easier to alleviate if caught early. Groomers have many products and applications that can help keep dogs skin healthy if done on a regular basis.   

General Overall Health
The most important reason to get your canine regularly groomed is for their health. Riverside Grooming will thoroughly examine your pet searching, for any possibility that your dog may be uncomfortable in any way or have an issue that would be best checked by a Veterinarian.  Our Groomers strive to send your pet home feeling, looking and smelling great.

And routine Grooming every 4-6 weeks is a win-win for your entire family!

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